[ Announcement ] Website under construction


 I have changed the blog platform again: From WordPress to WordPress. Let me explain.

Before: WordPress.com

Just like Typepad, WordPress offers a hosted service. All you have to do is register a xxx.wordpress.com account and let the rest be taken care of…as long as you are comfortable within their sandboxed environment. I became frustrated.

After: WordPress.org

I have switched to a self-hosting option. What that means is that I control (almost) everything, from how the website looks to where the data is located. But I earn maximum flexibility: the world is in my hands.

I will continue to update new posts as well as renovate this house of mine. Hopefully it will be finished shortly.

Email Subscription Will Be Back Soon

Sorry for the inconvenience. Right after I abandoned Typepad, I introduced WordPress.com subscription, and it is down again. I will ask you to register once again (oh my) but this time, when I finish installing the new subscription, it will stay. I am sorry for the inconvenience.