Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

I lied that the customer is patiently waiting for our investigation result. Indeed he was rather quiet but out of desperation (he went through the pissed off stage a long, long time ago)

I lied that it is OK when the IT consultant told me the email server connection might be shut down for a while. I cursed him and the mad scientists in our IT department.

I lied that I would cut my sleeping hours in order to squeeze more time for writing. These four days I spent one hour for Doom and eight hours for sleep and less than 30 minutes on writing, on average.

I lied when I answered it is perfect when somebody asked about the new office location. It is Kasumigaseki. Every street, restaurant, and convenience stores are filled with beaurocrats dressed in black and white. They laugh and shout and whine and discuss with the same unemotional and unoriginal tone. They know how to move the muscles that cover their face, except for the eyeballs. I understood why they decided to let Godzilla roar around the parliament(sits in the center of the parliament). Or I felt the same rage which led Michael Douglas nab a shotgun in Falling Down.

Today is the day for liers.